Ready to experience ​your first Circle?


It’s a match!

Fill out the welcome ​form and get ​matched with your ​ideal circle based on ​your needs and ​desires.


Book your ​favorite date

Book online: pick the ​format (audio or ​video), the date and ​time that fits best to ​your schedule.


Show up!

5 minutes before the ​Circle begins, find a ​quiet spot at home, put ​on your headphones, ​enter the virtual waiting ​room, and just relax!

What happens in ​a Circle ?


We start with a small introduction ​where members get to express ​how they feel today.


Depending on the topic of the ​day, we either share stories or ​participate in a creative workshop ​in subgroups of 2 to 3 people.


We enter the Circle with a little ​guided meditation or breathing ​exercises.

Close up

Each Circle ends with a reflective ​feedback on the session: ​members get to share their ​learning or feeling before close up.

Rules of ​Circles

No ego, no judgment, no advice

Be present throughout the Circle

Discretion over members’ stories is ​implied

Only speak when it’s your turn

Hate is not tolerated. We keep the right ​to suspend a member’s account if this ​rule doesn’t apply.


Ask our community!

A question or concern? You can send us a ​request or connect directly with members by ​joining Existential Space on Discord!

Step into your hero’s journey

Step into your hero’s journey

All heroes had to overcome struggles and ​challenges before becoming who they are.

We are here to guide you through the next step ​of your self-discovery adventure!

find your next quest and unlock your free roadmap, brimming with ​unique activities, a personalized growth toolkit, and exclusive perks




Existential Circles is not a medical ​device and does not replace medical ​monitoring or treatment.

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